Don't give me that excuse.
I'm a high school drop out and did this when I had zero technical or computer skills. If I can do this you can do this. But, if you're really worried about it, simply pass it off to someone on your team, or even hand it to your teenage child or nephew to do it. Just tell them to watch the videos and do what the videos say.
It doesn't get any easier than that.
Once you're set up, you’ll get a steady flow of qualified leads every single day of the month. All you have to "do" is leave it on and let it run on its own, working hard to bring you leads while you're out playing golf, or hanging out with your family, or just enjoying your life.
How much does Break Free Academy cost?
I've been charging $5,000 to teach this exact same information at live seminars (even more at my own private mastermind events). But, if you buy from this page today you can have it for just $997.
If your average commission on a sale is like most people in this industry ($6k is about average), you’ll make that back in spades on the very first sale.
Does all this sound like a good fit for you?
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